This picture shows a scale of the hornet „Vespa crabra“ with a reproduction scale (RS) of 3:1.
Camera: Nikon D300 1/250 s. exposure time, at 200 ISO/ ASA. Highest resolution (4288x2848 Pixel) saved as RAW.
Bellows: Nikon PB-6 Bellows (90mm). The bellows is fixed firmly at the DURST 6x6 stand.
Lens: AF MICRO NIKKOR 105mm, 1:2.8 D, f/8, Focus 0.314 meter. Distance to motive = 70mm.
Table: The motive is placed on a StackShot Macro rail. The StackShot steps are 0.15mm.
Lights: SUNPAK auto 16R pro, ring flash. The light is diffused with white Paper (60g).
Workflow of exposure: With the help of the histogram the camera was set to underexpose approximately 1-2 f-stops. Using the StackShot unit. At the first release the mirror is locked up, after 5 s a second release takes place and after another second the camera releases the shutter. The sharpness (focus) is in front of the closest part of the motive. Following, the table (StackShot) is lifted in 0.15 mm steps and a picture is taken at each step. The procedure is continued until the whole area of sharpness has passed and the pictures are getting completely out of focus again. The area of sharpness is usually evaluated before the recordings start. The sample picture is the result of a stack with CombineZP “Do Stack” (as TIF). The stack involved 50 exposures, whereof 30 contained sharp areas.
The brightness was minimally corrected with the light-equalizer function of ACDSee. In addition a smooth sharpening was applied.